

Invitation to Collaborate

During April 1998 we celebrated the 300-year centenary of the arrival of the main body of Huguenots at the Cape, in South Africa. I still have the festival program and have loaded photos of the events in Johannesburg, Saldahna, Stellenbosch, Paarl and Franschhoek on this blog. There is also a contribution of a family reunion during the 1988 festivities. However, still missing are events like the landing in the Cape.

Huguenot Cross

The purpose of this blog is to create a fairly representative archive of the 300-year centenary during the 325-year commemoration in 2013.

This is an invitation to interested parties so contribute copies of their photos/video material for adding to this blog. Kindly elucidate your contributions with a brief description. Send the digital copies, preferably in 800x600 pixel.jpg format, as e-mail attachments to my e-mail address shown under About Me.


Huguenot greetings,

G Francois Marais


Memorabilia 1988

1fine once Protea gold coin

During the centenary a variety of memorabilia was on sale, inter alia a map of France showing the origins of the Huguenot families of the Cape.

There was also a map of the south-western Cape showing the farms allocated to the Huguenots. Unfortunately the detail on these maps display too small on the ‘blog’ to be of value as a reference. For interest sake, however, a copy of the title deed of the farm allocated to Charles Marais is shown - 'Le Plessis Marle' has been named after the home town of Charles.

Tie with Huguenot Cross

Copy of the title deed of the farm Le Plessis Marle of 60 morgen Rynland-measure (51.4ha) near Simondium, allocated to Charles Marais. It was issued on behalf of governor Simon van der Stel "en zynen Raden" (and Council), signed by secretary J G de Grevenbroek.

The farm name has since been changed to Plaisir de Merle. Stellenbosch Farmer’s Winery (SFW, now Distell) acquired the farm in 1964 – in view is the main entrance as in 1988
Gateway to Plaisir de Merle today